fink-users Mailing List
The fink-users list is the general discussion list for advanced Fink users. Here you can ask for help if you have problems, discuss the benefits and drawbacks of Fink, exchange tips and tricks, and so on. Anyone can subscribe and post to the list.
Please don't use HTML or rich text mails and avoid attachments if you can. The list has a strict size limit of 40K.
Important: Before posting a call for help on the list, please make an attempt to resolve your problem using the documentation, the FAQ, the fink-beginners archives and the fink-users archives first. If you ask for help for a well-known problem, expect to be pointed back at these resources.
You can subscribe to fink-users by filling out this form. You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. Your email address will not be displayed on any public page.
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