
用户指南 - 5. Fink 配置文件

本章会解释 Fink 配置文件(fink.conf)中的设置项,以及他们会对 Fink 的工作产生什么作用,尤其是 fink 命令行工具(也就是说使用源代码发布版本)。

5.1 关于 fink.conf

在 Fink 安装的时候,它会询问你几个问题以建立起你的配置文件,就好像选择你希望使用来下载文件的 镜像网站 以及如何获得超级用户权限。你可以用fink configure 命令来重新进行这个过程。而有一些选项,则需要直接编辑 fink.conf 文件。通常来说,这些选项对于熟练用户才会有用。

fink.conf 文件的位置在 /opt/sw/etc/fink.conf,它可以用你喜欢的纯文本编辑器来编辑它。要编辑它,你需要超级用户的权限。

5.2 fink.conf 文件的语法

你的 fink.conf 文件由多行组成,格式是:

选项名: 选项值

每行一个选项,选项名和选项值之间以一个冒号和一个空格分开。选项值的内容取决每个不同的选项,但通常会是一个布尔值("True" 或 "False"),一个字符串,或用空格分开的多个字符串。 例如:

BooleanOption: True
StringOption: Something
ListOption: Option1 Option2 Option3

5.3 必需的设置

fink.conf 文件里面的一些设置是不可缺的。如果缺少它们,Fink 就无法正常工作。下面的设置就属于这一类。

5.4 可选用户设置

有很多设置用户可以进行调整,来对 Fink 进行优化。

5.5 下载设置

有几个设置会影响 Fink 下载软件包数据的方式。

5.6 镜像站点设置


为了让 Fink 能够使用最合适你的镜像服务器,你要告诉它你居住在哪个洲和哪个国家。如果不能从某个服务器下载,它会提示你是:重试相同的镜像站点,连接与你在相同国家或洲的另一个镜像服务器,还是世界上任意一个镜像服务器。

fink.conf 文件中保存着你希望使用哪些镜像服务器的信息。

5.7 开发人员设置

fink.conf 中一些选项只是对开发人员有用。我们不推荐 Fink 用户修改它们。下面的一些选项属于这一类。

5.8 Advanced Settings

There are some other options which may be useful, but require some knowledge to get right.

5.9 Managing apt's sources.list file

Starting with fink 0.21.0, fink actively manages the file /opt/sw/etc/apt/sources.list which is used by apt to locate binary files for installation. The default sources.list file looks something like this, adjusted to match your Distribution and Trees:

# Local modifications should either go above this line, or at the end.
# Default APT sources configuration for Fink, written by the fink program

# Local package trees - packages built from source locally
# NOTE: this is automatically kept in sync with the Trees: line in 
# /opt/sw/etc/fink.conf
# NOTE: run 'fink scanpackages' to update the corresponding Packages.gz files
deb file:/opt/sw/fink local main
deb file:/opt/sw/fink stable main crypto

# Official binary distribution: download location for packages
# from the latest release
deb 10.3/release main crypto

# Official binary distribution: download location for updated
# packages built between releases
deb 10.3/current main crypto

# Put local modifications to this file below this line, or at the top.

With this default file, apt-get first looks in your local installation for already-compiled binaries, and then looks in the official binary distribution. You can alter this by making entries at the beginning of the file (which will be searched first) or at the end of the file (which will be searched last).

If you change your Trees line or the Distribution you are using, fink will automatically modify the "default" portion of the file to correspond to the new values. Fink will, however, preserve any local modifications you have made to the file, provided that you confine your modifications to the top of the file (above the first default line) and the bottom of the file (below the last default line).

Note: If you had modified /opt/sw/etc/apt/sources.list prior to upgrading to fink 0.21.0, you will find your former file stored at /opt/sw/etc/apt/sources.list.finkbak .

Next: 6. 在命令行使用 Fink 工具